Bible Stories

Story of the sermon on the mount – पर्वत पर उपदेश की कहानी

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous and profound teachings of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. It is found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7, and is a collection of Jesus’ teachings and moral principles. 

The Sermon on the Mount is often considered Jesus’ guide to living a life that is pleasing to God and spiritually fulfilling. He delivers this sermon to his disciples and a large crowd on a mountainside. The sermon begins with the “Beatitudes,” a series of blessings for various qualities and virtues, such as humility, meekness, and peacemaking.

 Jesus starts the sermon by pronouncing blessings on those who exhibit characteristics like poverty in spirit, meekness, and a hunger for righteousness. He teaches that these qualities lead to spiritual rewards and happiness.

Jesus compares his followers to salt and light, emphasizing the importance of being a positive influence on the world. He urges them to let their light shine so that others may see their good deeds and glorify God.

Jesus instructs his followers not to harbor anger and resentment towards others, but to reconcile with them. He emphasizes the need for forgiveness and peacemaking.

 Jesus goes beyond external actions, addressing the matters of the heart. He teaches that looking at someone with lust is akin to committing adultery in one’s heart.

Jesus offers a model prayer to his disciples, known as the Lord’s Prayer, which includes requests for daily provisions, forgiveness, and guidance.

Jesus encourages his followers not to worry about their basic needs but to seek God’s kingdom first. He assures them that God will provide for their needs.

Jesus teaches against hypocritical judgment and encourages self-reflection before passing judgment on others.

 Jesus concludes the sermon with a parable about two builders. One builds his house on a solid foundation, while the other builds on sand. The house built on the rock withstands the storms, illustrating the importance of a strong foundation in one’s faith.

The Sermon on the Mount is a rich source of moral and spiritual guidance. It emphasizes the importance of inner righteousness, love for others, and a deep relationship with God. The teachings of Jesus in this sermon continue to be a source of inspiration and guidance for Christians and people of various faiths around the world.


Story of the sermon on the mount – पर्वत पर उपदेश की कहानी

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