Bible Stories

Story of the plagues of egypt – मिस्र की विपत्तियों की कहानी

The Plagues of Egypt is a significant narrative in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, specifically in Exodus 7-12. It describes a series of ten plagues that God sends upon Egypt to persuade Pharaoh to release the enslaved Israelites.

God instructs Moses to confront Pharaoh and demands the release of the Israelites. When Pharaoh refuses, God turns the Nile River into blood, causing fish to die, and making the water undrinkable.

Pharaoh remains stubborn, and God sends a plague of frogs upon the land of Egypt. Frogs cover the land, invading homes and causing great distress.

Pharaoh still refuses to let the Israelites go, and God sends a plague of gnats or lice throughout the land.

Pharaoh persists in his resistance, and God sends swarms of flies upon Egypt. The infestation brings further hardship and suffering.

God afflicts the livestock of the Egyptians with a severe disease, causing the death of their cattle, horses, donkeys, and camels.

God inflicts painful boils on both humans and animals in Egypt, further demonstrating His power.

A severe hailstorm, accompanied by thunder and lightning, strikes Egypt. The hail destroys crops, trees, and animals, but the land of Goshen, where the Israelites dwell, is spared.

Pharaoh continues to resist, and God sends a plague of locusts that devour all the remaining vegetation in Egypt.

God covers Egypt in thick darkness for three days. The darkness is so intense that it can be felt, but the land of Goshen remains unaffected.

God announces the most devastating plague, the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian household. To spare the Israelites, God instructs them to mark their doorposts with the blood of a lamb, leading to the institution of the Passover.

In grief and fear, Pharaoh finally relents and allows the Israelites to leave Egypt. The Exodus begins, marking the end of their slavery.

The Plagues of Egypt serve as a demonstration of God’s power, His judgment on the gods of Egypt, and His commitment to freeing the Israelites from oppression. The narrative holds theological significance and is a foundational story in the biblical account of the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land.


Story of the plagues of egypt – मिस्र की विपत्तियों की कहानी

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