Bible Stories

Story of the cupbearer and the baker – पिलानेहारे और पकानेहारे की कहानी

The story of the cupbearer and the baker is a biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 40. It is part of the larger account of Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob, who was sold into slavery in Egypt.

Joseph, after being betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, was taken to Egypt. He ended up in the household of Potiphar, an Egyptian official. However, Joseph’s integrity and good looks caught the attention of Potiphar’s wife, leading to false accusations of misconduct. As a result, Joseph was thrown into prison.

While in prison, Joseph encountered two fellow inmates: Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer and his chief baker. Both men had offended Pharaoh and were placed in prison.

One night, both the cupbearer and the baker had vivid dreams. They each separately approached Joseph with their dreams, seeking an interpretation.

Joseph, with God’s help, interpreted their dreams. He told the cupbearer that within three days, Pharaoh would lift his head and restore him to his position, allowing him to serve Pharaoh again. In contrast, Joseph told the baker that within three days, Pharaoh would lift his head, but he would be hanged, and birds would eat his flesh.

Joseph’s interpretations proved accurate. Three days later, on Pharaoh’s birthday, Pharaoh restored the cupbearer to his position, as Joseph had predicted. However, the baker was executed, just as Joseph had foretold.

As Joseph had requested, when the cupbearer was restored, Joseph asked him to remember him and speak to Pharaoh on his behalf, as he had been wrongly imprisoned. However, the cupbearer forgot Joseph and did not mention him to Pharaoh.

Joseph’s encounter with the cupbearer and the baker in prison was a significant event in his life because it eventually led to his release and a subsequent encounter with Pharaoh that would change the course of his destiny. The story also serves as an illustration of God’s ability to reveal the future through dreams and Joseph’s gift of interpretation.


Story of the cupbearer and the baker – पिलानेहारे और पकानेहारे की कहानी

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