Bible Stories

Story of the council in jerusalem – यरूशलेम में परिषद की कहानी

The Council in Jerusalem, also known as the Jerusalem Council or the Apostolic Council, is a pivotal event in early Christian history, described in the New Testament of the Bible in the Book of Acts, specifically in Acts 15:1-35. This council was convened to address a significant issue that arose within the early Christian community.

In the early days of the Christian church, the followers of Jesus Christ were predominantly Jewish. However, as Christianity spread, non-Jewish (Gentile) converts began to join the faith. This raised a crucial question: Should Gentile converts to Christianity be required to observe Jewish customs and traditions, including circumcision and dietary laws?

A group of Jewish Christians from Jerusalem, often referred to as the “Judaizers,” insisted that Gentile converts needed to be circumcised and follow the Mosaic Law to be considered part of the Christian community. This dispute led to significant tension and conflict within the early church.

To address this theological and practical issue, the leaders of the early Christian community decided to hold a council in Jerusalem. The key participants in this council included the apostles Peter and James, along with other elders and apostles.

At the council, Peter gave testimony about his experience with Gentile converts. He recounted his vision from God in which he saw unclean animals and heard a voice saying, “What God has made clean, do not call common.” Peter explained that God had shown him that Gentiles were to be received into the Christian community without the requirement of circumcision.

Paul and Barnabas, who had been ministering among the Gentiles, also shared their experiences and the miracles that had occurred among the Gentile converts. They emphasized that God had been working among the Gentiles and that they had received the Holy Spirit.

After hearing the testimonies and deliberating on the issue, James, the brother of Jesus and a prominent leader in the Jerusalem church, delivered a decision. He proposed that the Gentile converts should not be burdened with the requirements of the Mosaic Law but should abstain from certain practices, including eating food sacrificed to idols, consuming blood, eating strangled animals, and engaging in sexual immorality. This decision aimed to promote peace and unity within the Christian community.

The council drafted a letter to be sent to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia, affirming the decision and providing guidance on the practices to be avoided. The letter encouraged the Gentile believers and strengthened the unity of the early Christian church.

The Jerusalem Council’s decision marked a significant moment in the early church’s history, as it clarified the relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers. It affirmed the principle that faith in Jesus Christ was sufficient for salvation, and Gentile converts were not required to adopt Jewish customs. This decision helped pave the way for the spread of Christianity among diverse cultural and ethnic groups.

The Jerusalem Council’s outcome played a crucial role in defining the identity of the early Christian community and remains a significant theological and historical event in the Christian tradition.


Story of the council in jerusalem – यरूशलेम में परिषद की कहानी

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