Bible Stories

Story of solomon asks for wisdom – सुलैमान द्वारा बुद्धि माँगने की कहानी

The story of Solomon asking for wisdom is a well-known narrative from the Bible, specifically from the Old Testament book of 1 Kings, chapter 3. After King David’s death, his son Solomon ascended to the throne of Israel. Early in his reign, Solomon went to Gibeon, a high place where people worshipped God, to offer sacrifices. During the night, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

Rather than requesting wealth, power, or a long life, Solomon humbly asked God for wisdom and discernment to govern his people well. He recognized the immense responsibility of leading the nation of Israel and understood that wise leadership required divine guidance.

Pleased with Solomon’s request, God not only granted him wisdom but also promised to give him riches and honor, surpassing that of any other king. God also assured Solomon that if he walked in obedience and kept His commands, his reign would be prosperous and successful.

The story illustrates Solomon’s humility, wisdom, and devotion to God. It also highlights God’s faithfulness in responding to sincere prayers and providing for the needs of His people, ultimately guiding them toward righteousness and prosperity.


Story of solomon asks for wisdom – सुलैमान द्वारा बुद्धि माँगने की कहानी

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