Bible Stories

Story of sodom and gomorrah – सदोम और अमोरा की कहानी

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in chapters 18 and 19. It is a tale of divine judgment and the consequences of wickedness.

Three visitors, often understood to be angels or manifestations of God, come to Abraham near the Oaks of Mamre. Abraham extends hospitality, offering them food and water. The visitors reveal that Sarah, Abraham’s elderly wife, will have a son.

The divine visitors disclose to Abraham that they are on their way to investigate the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah because of their grave sins. Abraham, concerned about the fate of the righteous in those cities, engages in a dialogue with God, asking if the cities would be spared for the sake of a certain number of righteous people. God agrees to spare the cities for the sake of even a small number of righteous inhabitants.

The angels arrive in Sodom and are hosted by Lot, Abraham’s nephew. However, the men of the city demand to know the visitors, intending harm. The angels reveal their divine nature and warn Lot to flee with his family because of the impending destruction of the city due to its wickedness, particularly its lack of hospitality and moral decay.

Lot and his family are urged to leave the city immediately. They are warned not to look back. Lot’s wife disobeys and becomes a pillar of salt. Sodom and Gomorrah are then destroyed by “sulfur and fire from the Lord out of the heavens.”

Lot and his two daughters survive the destruction, but they believe they are the last people on Earth. Lot and his daughters live in a cave, and his daughters, thinking the world has ended, devise a plan to have children by their father to continue their family line. The Moabites and Ammonites, two neighboring nations often mentioned in the Bible, are said to be the descendants of the incestuous relationships in the cave.

The story is often interpreted as an example of God’s judgment on wickedness and the consequences of a society turning away from righteousness. The importance of hospitality is highlighted, contrasting Abraham’s welcoming of divine visitors with the inhospitality of the people of Sodom.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has been the subject of theological discussions and interpretations throughout history, and it is often cited in discussions about morality, divine justice, and the consequences of sin.


Story of sodom and gomorrah – सदोम और अमोरा की कहानी

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