Bible Stories

Story of ruth and boaz – रूथ और बोअज़ की कहानी

The story of Ruth and Boaz is a beautiful and heartwarming narrative found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Ruth. It is a story of love, loyalty, and redemption.

The story of Ruth and Boaz is set during the time of the judges in Israel, a period known for its instability and moral challenges. Elimelech, a man from Bethlehem, along with his wife Naomi and their two sons, left their homeland to escape a famine. They settled in the land of Moab. Tragically, Elimelech died in Moab, followed by the deaths of his two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, leaving Naomi a widow with her two Moabite daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth.

When Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem after hearing that the famine had ended, she encouraged her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and remarry, as she had no more sons to offer them. Orpah chose to stay, but Ruth made a heartfelt and famous declaration of loyalty: “Where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16).

Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem, where they lived in impoverished circumstances. Ruth, out of a desire to provide for her and Naomi, went to glean in the fields. Gleaning was the practice of gathering the leftover grain from the fields after the harvest, a provision made in the Mosaic Law to support the poor and strangers.

Ruth happened to glean in the fields of Boaz, a relative of Elimelech. Boaz was a wealthy landowner and a man of good reputation.

Boaz noticed Ruth and inquired about her. He learned of her loyalty to Naomi and her dedication to God. Impressed by her character, Boaz instructed his workers to leave extra grain for Ruth to glean. He also invited her to eat with his workers during mealtime.

Naomi, recognizing Boaz’s kindness and realizing he was a close relative of her late husband, came up with a plan to secure a more stable future for Ruth. According to the custom of the time, if a close relative (kinsman-redeemer) was willing to marry a widow and redeem the property of a deceased relative, he could provide for her and keep the family name alive.

Naomi instructed Ruth to visit Boaz at the threshing floor, where he was winnowing barley. Ruth followed Naomi’s instructions, and Boaz agreed to act as a kinsman-redeemer. He made arrangements to redeem Elimelech’s land and marry Ruth.

Ruth and Boaz married, and they had a son named Obed. Obed would later become the grandfather of King David, making Ruth an ancestor of the Davidic dynasty.

The story of Ruth and Boaz is a story of redemption and restoration. Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and her faith in God led her to a new life in Bethlehem. Through her marriage to Boaz, she found love, security, and a place in the lineage of King David, who, according to the Bible, would be a key figure in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Ruth’s story is celebrated for its themes of loyalty, selflessness, and the providence of God, as well as its role in the broader narrative of biblical history.


Story of ruth and boaz – रूथ और बोअज़ की कहानी

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