Bible Stories

Story of prophet moses – मूसा पैगंबर की कहानी

The story of Moses, a key figure in the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament, is central to the faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Moses was born in Egypt at a time when the Pharaoh had ordered all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed. To save him, his mother placed him in a basket and set it afloat on the Nile River. The Pharaoh’s daughter found and adopted him, raising him as her own in the Egyptian court.

As an adult, Moses killed an Egyptian he saw beating a Hebrew. Fearing for his life, he fled to Midian, where he lived as a shepherd. While in Midian, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Moses returned to Egypt and, with his brother Aaron, confronted the Pharaoh, demanding the release of the Israelites. The Pharaoh refused.

God inflicted ten devastating plagues on Egypt, the last of which was the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian household. The Israelites were spared, marking the beginning of Passover.

Following the final plague, Pharaoh relented, and Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. However, Pharaoh soon pursued them.

At Moses’ command, God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to escape. When the Egyptian army followed, the waters returned, drowning the soldiers.

Moses ascended Mount Sinai, where he received the Ten Commandments and other laws from God. While Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Israelites made and worshipped a golden calf. Moses destroyed the idol and pleaded with God to forgive his people.

The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years due to their disobedience and lack of faith.

Moses led the people to the borders of Canaan, the Promised Land. However, because of an incident in which he disobeyed God’s instructions, he was not allowed to enter it.

Moses saw the Promised Land from a distance from Mount Nebo, where he died at the age of 120.

Moses is revered as a prophet, lawgiver, and leader in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. His life story is a powerful narrative of liberation, faith, and obedience to God.


Story of prophet moses – मूसा पैगंबर की कहानी

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