Bible Stories

Story of philip teaches the man from ethiopia – फिलिप टीज़ द मैन फ्रॉम इथियोपिया की कहानी

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a significant episode from the New Testament of the Bible, specifically from the book of Acts (Acts 8:26-40). It tells of an encounter between Philip, one of the early followers of Jesus, and an Ethiopian eunuch who was traveling in a chariot.

Philip was directed by an angel of the Lord to go to a desert road that led from Jerusalem to Gaza. On this road, he encountered an Ethiopian eunuch who served as a high-ranking official in the court of the Ethiopian queen. The eunuch had been to Jerusalem to worship and was now returning to Ethiopia in his chariot.

The eunuch was reading a passage from the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament but didn’t fully understand its meaning. Specifically, he was reading from Isaiah 53:7-8, which speaks of a suffering servant. The eunuch asked Philip if he could help him understand the text.

Philip took this opportunity to explain the message of Jesus and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies in him. He shared the good news of Jesus Christ and how He was the suffering servant mentioned in Isaiah and how through belief in Jesus, one could find salvation.

As they continued their journey, they came across some water, and the Ethiopian eunuch asked if there was anything preventing him from being baptized. Philip explained that belief in Jesus was the only requirement for baptism, and the eunuch professed his faith in Jesus as the Son of God. Philip then baptized him.

After the baptism, the Spirit of the Lord “snatched” Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again. However, he went on his way back to Ethiopia rejoicing.

This story is often seen as an example of divine guidance, the accessibility of the Gospel message to people of different backgrounds, and the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing individuals to faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a significant narrative within the early Christian tradition and illustrates the spread of Christianity beyond its Jewish origins.


Story of philip teaches the man from ethiopia – फिलिप टीज़ द मैन फ्रॉम इथियोपिया की कहानी

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