Bible Stories

Story of parable of the prodigal son – उड़ाऊ पुत्र के दृष्टान्त की कहानी

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous and poignant parables told by Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 15, Verses 11-32). It’s a story that illustrates the themes of repentance, unconditional love, and forgiveness. 

The story begins with a man who has two sons. The younger son asks his father for his share of the estate, which the father grants. This act of asking for his inheritance while the father is still alive is both disrespectful and unusual, as inheritances were typically given after the death of the parent.

After receiving his share, the younger son travels to a distant country, where he squanders his wealth in reckless living. This phase of his life represents a turning away from family and responsible living.

Eventually, a severe famine hits the country, and the son finds himself in dire need. He takes a job feeding pigs, which, for a Jewish audience, signifies a state of extreme uncleanness and desperation. In this desperate state, he comes to his senses and remembers how even his father’s servants have food to spare.

The younger son decides to return to his father, planning to ask for forgiveness and to be treated not as a son but as a hired servant. His return is an act of repentance and humility, acknowledging his mistakes.

As he approaches his home, his father sees him from a distance. Filled with compassion, the father runs to his son, embraces him, and kisses him. The son confesses his sins and unworthiness to be called his son. Instead of anger or rejection, the father orders his servants to bring the best robe, a ring, and sandals for his son, and to prepare a feast to celebrate his return. This response symbolizes unconditional love and forgiveness.

Meanwhile, the elder son, who had been working in the fields, becomes angry when he learns of the feast for his younger brother. He refuses to join the celebration, feeling that it’s unfair that his faithful service goes unrecognized while his brother’s recklessness is celebrated. The father explains that everything he has is the elder son’s, but they must celebrate and be glad because the younger brother was lost and is now found.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is rich in its message and has been interpreted in various ways. It’s often seen as illustrating God’s forgiveness toward sinners who repent. The father’s unconditional love and readiness to forgive mirror God’s grace and mercy. The elder brother’s attitude reflects human tendencies towards envy and a lack of compassion. Overall, the story teaches about the nature of repentance and the importance of a loving and forgiving spirit.


Story of parable of the prodigal son – उड़ाऊ पुत्र के दृष्टान्त की कहानी

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