Bible Stories

Story of parable of a sower and seeds – एक बोने वाले और बीज के दृष्टांत की कहानी

The Parable of the Sower and Seeds is a well-known parable taught by Jesus Christ, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. This parable is found in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 13:1-23), Mark (Mark 4:1-20), and Luke (Luke 8:4-15). It is a story that illustrates various responses to the message of the kingdom of God.

Jesus began the parable by describing a sower who went out to sow seeds. As he sowed, some of the seeds fell along the path, where they were trampled and eaten by birds. Some fell on rocky soil, where there was not much soil, and they sprouted quickly but withered because they had no depth of soil. Some fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the young plants. But some fell on good soil and produced a bountiful harvest.

Later, when Jesus was alone with His disciples, they asked Him to explain the meaning of the parable. He revealed that the seed represents the word of God or the message of the kingdom, and the different types of soil represent the various ways people receive and respond to this message:

– The seeds along the path symbolize those who hear the word but do not understand it, and the devil takes it away from their hearts, preventing them from believing.

– The seeds on rocky soil represent those who hear the word and receive it with joy but have no root and fall away when faced with difficulties or persecution.

– The seeds among thorns represent those who hear the word but are choked by the cares, riches, and pleasures of life, making them unfruitful.

– The seeds in good soil represent those who hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.

The Parable of the Sower and Seeds is a lesson on how people respond to the message of the kingdom of God. It highlights the different reactions and obstacles that can hinder faith and growth in a person’s spiritual life. The parable encourages listeners to be receptive, cultivate a good and honest heart, and bear fruit through patience and perseverance.

In the Christian tradition, this parable is often interpreted as an exhortation to hear and receive God’s word with an open heart, allowing it to take root and grow in one’s life, and ultimately, to produce the fruits of faith, love, and righteousness. It is a reminder to be mindful of the condition of one’s heart and the distractions and challenges that can affect one’s spiritual journey.


Story of parable of a sower and seeds – एक बोने वाले और बीज के दृष्टांत की कहानी

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