Bible Stories

Story of new home for abram – अब्राम के लिए नए घर की कहानी

Once upon a time, in the ancient city of Ur, lived a man named Abram. He was a righteous and faithful man who loved and worshipped God. Abram lived with his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot. They had a comfortable life, surrounded by their family and friends.

One night, as Abram was resting, he heard a voice calling to him. It was the voice of God. “Abram,” God said, “leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.”

Though the call was sudden and the journey uncertain, Abram’s faith in God was strong. He trusted in God’s promise and decided to obey. Early the next morning, Abram told Sarai and Lot about God’s message. They gathered their belongings, took their servants and livestock, and began their journey to an unknown land.

The journey was long and challenging. They traveled through deserts and over mountains, facing many hardships along the way. But Abram never lost faith. He knew that God was guiding them and would fulfill His promise. Every night, Abram would pray, thanking God for His guidance and protection.

After many weeks of traveling, they arrived in the land of Canaan. God spoke to Abram again, saying, “To your offspring, I will give this land.” Abram built an altar there to honor God and give thanks for bringing them safely to their new home.

They continued to move through the land, setting up their tents in various places. One day, they reached a place called Bethel. Abram built another altar there and prayed to God, seeking His guidance and blessings for their future.

Abram’s faith was soon tested. A severe famine struck the land of Canaan, and there was not enough food for Abram, his family, and their livestock. Abram decided to go to Egypt, where there was plenty of food. Before entering Egypt, Abram asked Sarai to say she was his sister, fearing the Egyptians might harm him because of her beauty.

In Egypt, Pharaoh’s officials noticed Sarai and praised her to Pharaoh, who took her into his palace. Because of Sarai, Abram was treated well, and he received sheep, cattle, donkeys, servants, and camels. But God was not pleased with Pharaoh taking Sarai and sent plagues upon his household.

Pharaoh realized that Sarai was Abram’s wife and summoned Abram. “What have you done to me?” Pharaoh said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go!”

Abram and Sarai left Egypt with all their possessions. They returned to Canaan, where God had promised to bless them. Abram’s faith had been tested, but he remained devoted to God, trusting in His promises.

Years passed, and God continued to bless Abram. He made a covenant with Abram, promising that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. God also changed Abram’s name to Abraham, meaning “father of many,” and Sarai’s name to Sarah, meaning “princess.”

Despite their old age, God fulfilled His promise, and Sarah bore a son named Isaac. Through Isaac, God’s promise to make Abraham the father of many nations began to unfold.

And so, Abraham’s journey of faith continued, with his new home in Canaan as the starting point of a legacy that would bless generations to come. The story of Abraham’s faith, obedience, and God’s unfailing promises was told for centuries, inspiring countless people to trust in God’s plans for their lives.


Story of new home for abram – अब्राम के लिए नए घर की कहानी

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