Bible Stories

Story of nehemiah returns to jerusaiem – नहेमायाह की यरूशलेम लौटने की कहानी

The story of Nehemiah’s return to Jerusalem is found in the biblical Book of Nehemiah, which is part of the Old Testament. Nehemiah was a Jewish exile serving as the cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes I.

The events take place during the Babylonian exile when many Jews were taken captive and relocated to Babylon. Nehemiah, however, was serving in the Persian court in the city of Susa.

Nehemiah received a visit from some Jewish men who had recently arrived from Jerusalem. They informed him that the walls of Jerusalem were in ruins, and the city was vulnerable to attack and disgrace. This news deeply troubled Nehemiah.

Nehemiah turned to God in prayer, seeking guidance and help. He confessed the sins of the Israelites and prayed for God’s favor to be upon him when he approached King Artaxerxes.

As the king’s cupbearer, Nehemiah had access to the king’s presence. He approached the king with a heavy heart and, in the king’s presence, expressed his concern about the state of Jerusalem. Nehemiah requested permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its walls.

King Artaxerxes, moved by Nehemiah’s sorrow, granted his request. He not only allowed Nehemiah to go but also provided him with letters and resources for the journey and the rebuilding efforts.

Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem and began assessing the situation. He conducted a nighttime survey of the city walls to understand the extent of the damage.

Nehemiah gathered the leaders and inhabitants of Jerusalem and shared his vision to rebuild the city’s walls. The people were inspired and eager to participate in the project.

As the rebuilding efforts began, Nehemiah and the workers faced opposition from neighboring regions, including Sanballat and Tobiah. These adversaries mocked, threatened, and plotted against the construction.

Despite the challenges, Nehemiah and the people remained dedicated to the task. They worked diligently and even stood guard with weapons to protect against potential attacks.

Through faith, determination, and the help of God, Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem successfully completed the reconstruction of the city’s walls in a remarkably short time.

Nehemiah not only oversaw the physical rebuilding but also initiated spiritual renewal among the people. He gathered them for a reading of the Law of Moses and led them in confession, repentance, and a renewed commitment to follow God’s commands.

The story of Nehemiah’s return to Jerusalem is often viewed as a testament to leadership, faith, and perseverance. It highlights the importance of prayer, seeking God’s guidance, and taking action to address challenges and bring about positive change. Nehemiah’s dedication to both the physical and spiritual well-being of Jerusalem serves as an inspiring example of leadership and commitment to one’s faith and community.


Story of nehemiah returns to jerusaiem – नहेमायाह की यरूशलेम लौटने की कहानी

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