Bible Stories

Story of moses striking the rock – मूसा द्वारा चट्टान पर प्रहार करने की कहानी

The story of Moses striking the rock is found in the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in Numbers 20:1-13. 

The Israelites, led by Moses, are wandering in the wilderness of Zin, and they complain to Moses and Aaron about the lack of water for themselves and their livestock.

God instructs Moses to take his staff, assemble the people, and speak to the rock in front of them. He promises that water will come out of the rock and provide for the people and their animals.

Moses gathers the people, but instead of speaking to the rock as commanded by God, he strikes it twice with his staff in anger. Water does indeed come out of the rock, and the people and their livestock drink.

Despite the water flowing from the rock, God is displeased with Moses’ actions. He tells Moses and Aaron that because they did not trust and honor Him before the Israelites, they will not bring the people into the land He promised them.

As a consequence of his disobedience, Moses is denied entry into the Promised Land. God reiterates this punishment later in Deuteronomy 32:51.

This story serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commands, even in difficult circumstances. It also highlights the consequences of allowing emotions like anger to dictate our actions instead of relying on faith and trust in God.


Story of moses striking the rock – मूसा द्वारा चट्टान पर प्रहार करने की कहानी

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