Bible Stories

Story of mob in corinth – कोरिंथ में भीड़ की कहानी

The “Mob in Corinth” story is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Acts, chapter 18. It recounts an incident that took place during the Apostle Paul’s missionary journey to Corinth, a prominent city in ancient Greece.

Paul’s Arrival in Corinth: During his second missionary journey, the Apostle Paul arrived in the city of Corinth, which was known for its commerce and diverse population. He began preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and establishing a Christian community.

Aquila and Priscilla: In Corinth, Paul met a Jewish couple named Aquila and Priscilla, who were tentmakers by trade. Paul stayed and worked with them, forming a close bond and becoming an integral part of their household.

Preaching in the Synagogue: As was his custom, Paul first preached the message of Jesus Christ in the Jewish synagogue, reasoning with both Jews and Greeks who attended the gatherings.

Opposition and Rejection: However, Paul faced significant opposition from some Jews who rejected his teachings about Jesus being the Messiah. They spoke against him and his message, causing division and strife in the community.

Shift to the House of Titius Justus: In response to the resistance at the synagogue, Paul shifted his focus to preaching the gospel at the house of a man named Titius Justus, who was a worshiper of God. This shift allowed him to continue spreading the message without the restrictions and hostility of the synagogue.

The Conversion of Crispus: Among those who heard Paul’s message and believed in Jesus was a man named Crispus, the leader of the synagogue. Crispus, along with his entire household, embraced Christianity and were baptized.

A Vision and Encouragement from God: During this time, Paul received a vision from the Lord, assuring him that despite the opposition, he should continue speaking boldly and not be afraid, for God was with him.

Mob Attack: Despite the vision and encouragement, Paul’s teachings continued to be met with resistance from some segments of the Jewish community. A mob was formed against him, likely comprising Jewish opponents of his message.

The Roman Proconsul’s Intervention: As the situation escalated, the Roman proconsul, Gallio, who was the governor of Achaia (the Roman province that included Corinth), intervened and dismissed the accusations against Paul. He refused to be entangled in a religious dispute, as Christianity was considered a sect of Judaism at that time.

Paul’s Continued Ministry: After the intervention of Gallio, Paul was free to continue his ministry in Corinth. He stayed there for a considerable period, preaching and teaching the gospel, and the Christian community continued to grow.

The “Mob in Corinth” story highlights the challenges and opposition the early Christian missionaries faced while spreading the message of Jesus Christ. It also demonstrates the significance of divine guidance and protection in the face of adversity. Despite the resistance, Paul’s ministry in Corinth played a crucial role in establishing a strong Christian community in the region.


Story of mob in corinth – कोरिंथ में भीड़ की कहानी

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