Bible Stories

Story of man lowered through the roof – छत से नीचे उतारे गए आदमी की कहानी

The story of the man lowered through the roof is a well-known episode in the New Testament of the Bible, found in the Gospels of Matthew (9:1-8), Mark (2:1-12), and Luke (5:17-26). It illustrates the healing ministry of Jesus and the faith of those who sought his help.

Jesus was gaining popularity as a teacher and healer, and large crowds gathered wherever he went. On this particular day, Jesus was in Capernaum, a town on the Sea of Galilee. Word had spread about his miraculous abilities, drawing a multitude of people.

In Capernaum, there was a man who was paralyzed, and he was unable to walk. His friends and family were aware of Jesus’ reputation and were determined to bring the paralyzed man to him for healing.

When they arrived at the house where Jesus was teaching, they encountered a problem. The house was packed with people who had come to hear Jesus speak, and there was no room to enter. They faced an obstacle in getting the paralyzed man to Jesus.

Undeterred, the friends of the paralyzed man came up with a creative solution. They decided to lower the man through the roof. They climbed onto the roof, made an opening, and carefully lowered their friend on a mat in front of Jesus.

When Jesus saw the paralyzed man being lowered down, he was struck by the faith and determination of the man’s friends. Jesus, recognizing their faith and the need for healing, said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Upon hearing Jesus’ words, some of the scribes, who were experts in Jewish law, began to object. They believed that only God could forgive sins and saw Jesus’ statement as blasphemous.

Jesus, aware of their objections, responded by asking whether it was easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” Then he instructed the paralyzed man to do just that. The man was immediately healed, picked up his mat, and walked, to the amazement of the crowd.

The story serves as a demonstration of Jesus’ authority not only to heal physically but also to forgive sins. It showcases the power of faith, the importance of determination, and the compassion of Jesus for those in need.

The story of the man lowered through the roof is a powerful example of the faith and determination of those seeking Jesus’ help and his willingness to provide both physical healing and spiritual forgiveness. It continues to be a source of inspiration and reflection for many.


Story of man lowered through the roof –

छत से नीचे उतारे गए आदमी की कहानी

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