Bible Stories

Story of king solomon’s wisdom – राजा सुलैमान की बुद्धि की कहानी

The story of King Solomon’s wisdom is one of the most famous accounts in the Bible and serves as a testament to his legendary wisdom and judgment.

King Solomon, the son of King David, ascended to the throne of Israel after his father’s death. Early in his reign, he was faced with a challenging and perplexing situation. Two women came before him, each claiming to be the mother of the same baby. Both women had recently given birth, but one of the babies had died, leading to the dispute.

The two women argued fiercely before King Solomon, each insisting that the living child belonged to her. In the absence of any witnesses or evidence, the situation seemed impossible to resolve. Solomon, known for his wisdom and sound judgment, proposed a unique solution to discern the true mother.

He ordered that a sword be brought before him and declared that the living child should be cut in two, with each woman receiving half. Upon hearing this judgment, the real mother immediately cried out and begged the king to spare the child’s life, even if it meant giving him to the other woman.

Solomon, in response to the genuine display of maternal love and concern, realized that the woman who was willing to relinquish her claim in order to save the child’s life must be the true mother. He declared her as the rightful mother and gave her custody of the baby.

The story of King Solomon’s wisdom in discerning the true mother is often cited as an example of his exceptional discernment and God-given wisdom. It showcases his ability to cut through deceit and reveal the truth, ultimately making a wise and compassionate judgment. This story has become a symbol of his legendary wisdom and has been celebrated as an enduring lesson in fair and just decision-making.


Story of king solomon’s wisdom – राजा सुलैमान की बुद्धि की कहानी

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