Bible Stories

Story of joshua final charge against israel – यहोशू द्वारा इज़राइल पर अंतिम आरोप की कहानी

Joshua’s Final Charge to Israel is documented in the book of Joshua, specifically in Joshua 23 and Joshua 24.

After leading the Israelites into the Promised Land and overseeing the conquest of Canaan, Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel at Shechem. He addressed them, acknowledging God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises and reminding them of all that God had done for them, from delivering them from Egypt to giving them victory over their enemies.

Joshua urged the Israelites to be faithful to God and to obey His commandments without turning to the gods of the surrounding nations. He recounted how God had driven out the nations before them and had given them the land as an inheritance. He warned them not to intermarry with the remaining inhabitants of the land or to worship their gods, lest they be ensnared and face God’s judgment.

Joshua then challenged the people to choose whom they would serve: the Lord who had brought them out of Egypt and had shown them His faithfulness, or the gods of the surrounding nations. He declared, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

The people responded affirmatively, declaring their commitment to serve the Lord alone. Joshua then reaffirmed the covenant between God and the people, inscribed the words of the covenant in the Book of the Law of God, and set up a large stone as a witness to their commitment.

With this final charge, Joshua exhorted the Israelites to remain faithful to God, to remember His deeds, and to choose to serve Him wholeheartedly. His words served as a crucial reminder for the Israelites to remain steadfast in their faith and devotion to God as they continued to inhabit the land He had given them.


Story of joshua final charge against israel – यहोशू द्वारा इज़राइल पर अंतिम आरोप की कहानी

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