Bible Stories

Story of joseph older brothers come to egypt – यूसुफ के बड़े भाइयों के मिस्र आने की कहानी

In a time of severe famine, Joseph, who had risen to power in Egypt as the Pharaoh’s right-hand man, managed the storage and distribution of grain. The famine extended far beyond Egypt, reaching even the land of Canaan where Joseph’s father Jacob and his older brothers lived.

Hearing that there was grain in Egypt, Jacob sent his ten eldest sons to buy food, keeping his youngest son, Benjamin, at home out of fear for his safety. The brothers arrived in Egypt and came before Joseph, bowing low to the ground, not recognizing him as their long-lost brother. However, Joseph recognized them instantly.

Testing their characters, Joseph accused them of being spies. In their defense, the brothers explained their family situation, mentioning their father and younger brother back home. Joseph, hiding his emotions, insisted that one of them must stay in Egypt while the rest return to fetch Benjamin to prove their honesty.

The brothers were filled with guilt and remorse for having sold Joseph into slavery years ago, believing their current predicament was divine retribution. They did not realize that Joseph could understand their language, as he used an interpreter to communicate with them.

After three days in custody, Joseph sent them back to Canaan with grain, secretly returning their payment in their sacks. He kept Simeon as a hostage, demanding they return with Benjamin. Upon finding the money in their grain sacks, the brothers were terrified, fearing it would make them appear as thieves.

Back home, they recounted the ordeal to Jacob, who was distressed at the thought of losing Benjamin. After much hesitation and facing continued famine, Jacob eventually agreed to send Benjamin with the brothers back to Egypt, praying for mercy.

This journey set the stage for a profound family reunion and a test of the brothers’ repentance and loyalty, as they faced the brother they once betrayed, now a powerful leader in a foreign land.


Story of joseph older brothers come to egypt – यूसुफ के बड़े भाइयों के मिस्र आने की कहानी

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