Bible Stories

Story of jesus teaches nicodemus – यीशु द्वारा निकुदेमुस को सिखाने की कहानी

The story of Jesus teaching Nicodemus is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Gospel of John, in John 3:1-21. It is a significant encounter in which Jesus imparts important spiritual teachings to Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council.

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews, comes to Jesus under the cover of darkness, likely to avoid scrutiny from his fellow Pharisees. He addresses Jesus with respect, acknowledging Him as a teacher sent from God.

Jesus responds to Nicodemus with a profound statement: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” This concept of being “born again” or “born from above” perplexes Nicodemus.

Jesus explains that being born again involves a spiritual transformation, not a physical one. He emphasizes the need for a person to be born of both water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. The water likely symbolizes purification and the Spirit represents the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration.

Jesus refers to Himself as the “Son of Man” who must be lifted up, alluding to His future crucifixion. He draws a parallel to the bronze serpent lifted by Moses in the wilderness, which brought healing to the Israelites. Jesus emphasizes that belief in Him is essential for eternal life.

Jesus further explains that God’s love for the world prompted Him to send His Son into the world, not to condemn it, but to provide salvation through faith in Him. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus contrasts light and darkness, signifying the difference between those who believe in Him and those who reject Him. Those who do evil avoid the light because their deeds are exposed, but those who practice truth come to the light.

Nicodemus, though initially perplexed, does not openly reject Jesus’ teachings. He remains silent in this passage, but his later appearances in the Gospel of John indicate a growing understanding and faith in Jesus.

The conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus is significant for several reasons. It introduces the concept of being “born again” or “born of the Spirit,” highlighting the importance of spiritual transformation and faith in Jesus for salvation. It also contains one of the most well-known verses in the Bible, John 3:16, which succinctly summarizes the message of God’s love and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.


Story of jesus teaches nicodemus – यीशु द्वारा निकुदेमुस को सिखाने की कहानी

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