Bible Stories

Story of jesus reinstates peter – यीशु द्वारा पतरस को पुनः स्थापित करने की कहानी

The story of Jesus reinstating Peter is a significant episode in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically found in the Gospel of John (John 21:15-19). It takes place after Jesus’ resurrection and is often seen as a moment of reconciliation between Jesus and the Apostle Peter following Peter’s earlier denial of Jesus.

The central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Messiah. One of Jesus’ twelve disciples, known for his leadership among the disciples but also for denying Jesus three times before His crucifixion. A group of disciples who were with Peter by the Sea of Galilee.

After Jesus’ resurrection, Peter and some of the other disciples return to their previous occupation as fishermen. They fish all night but catch nothing.

In the morning, while the disciples are out on the sea, Jesus appears on the shore but is not immediately recognized by the disciples.

Jesus instructs the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat, resulting in a miraculous catch of a large number of fish. This reminds the disciples of a similar miracle Jesus had performed earlier in His ministry.

When John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, recognizes that it is Jesus on the shore, Peter impulsively jumps into the water and swims to Jesus. The other disciples follow in the boat, bringing the net full of fish with them.

Jesus has a breakfast of fish and bread prepared for the disciples. They eat together.

After breakfast, Jesus turns to Peter and asks him three times, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter responds affirmatively each time, expressing his love for Jesus.

In response to Peter’s threefold affirmation of love, Jesus gives Peter a threefold commission:
– “Feed my lambs.”
– “Take care of my sheep.”
– “Feed my sheep.”

Jesus then tells Peter that when he was younger, he could go where he pleased, but in the future, he will stretch out his hands, and others will dress him and take him where he does not want to go, signifying the manner of Peter’s death.

It demonstrates Jesus’ capacity for forgiveness and reconciliation, even after Peter’s denial. Jesus’ questioning of Peter three times corresponds to Peter’s threefold denial and offers Peter an opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment.

Jesus’ commission to Peter to “feed my lambs” and “take care of my sheep” symbolizes Peter’s role as a shepherd of the early Christian community, entrusted with the care and guidance of Jesus’ followers.

The story underscores the acceptance of human imperfection and the potential for redemption through sincere repentance and reaffirmation of faith.

Jesus’ prophecy about Peter’s future challenges and death serves as a reminder that discipleship may involve hardships and martyrdom.

The story of Jesus reinstating Peter is a powerful illustration of the depth of Jesus’ love and forgiveness and the restoration of Peter’s role as a leader among the disciples. It is a source of encouragement for Christians who may struggle with their own imperfections and failures, reminding them of the possibility of reconciliation and renewed purpose in their faith.


Story of jesus reinstates peter –

यीशु द्वारा पतरस को पुनः स्थापित करने की कहानी

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