Bible Stories

Story of jesus healing a lame man – यीशु द्वारा एक लंगड़े आदमी को ठीक करने की कहानी

The story of Jesus healing a lame man is one of the many miraculous events recorded in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of John, Chapter 5, verses 1-15. This event takes place in Jerusalem at the Pool of Bethesda, which was known for its healing properties.

The Pool of Bethesda was located near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. It was surrounded by five covered colonnades. There was a belief that at certain times, an angel would come down and stir the waters. The first person to enter the pool after the water was stirred would be healed of their ailments.

The lame man in the story had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. He had been lying by the pool for a long time, hoping to be healed. Despite his prolonged illness, he had not been able to get into the pool on time due to his inability to move quickly and the lack of assistance.

Jesus visits the Pool of Bethesda during one of the Jewish festivals. As he walks among the many disabled people gathered there, he notices the lame man. Jesus approaches the man and asks him, “Do you want to get well?” The man explains his predicament, saying he has no one to help him into the pool when the water is stirred and others always get in before him.

Jesus says to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” Immediately, the man is cured; he picks up his mat and begins to walk. This miracle takes place on the Sabbath, a day when Jewish law prohibited any form of work, including carrying one’s mat.

The healed man is confronted by Jewish leaders who question him for carrying his mat on the Sabbath. He explains that the man who healed him instructed him to do so. Initially, the healed man does not know who Jesus is. Later, Jesus finds him at the temple and tells him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” The man then identifies Jesus to the Jewish leaders as the one who healed him.

This miracle highlights Jesus’ compassion and willingness to heal, regardless of the day or the legalistic restrictions of the time. It showcases Jesus’ authority over physical ailments and his power to heal with just a command. By healing on the Sabbath and instructing the man to carry his mat, Jesus challenges the rigid interpretation of the Sabbath laws and emphasizes the importance of mercy and compassion over legalism.

The lame man’s obedience to Jesus’ command, despite the long years of his suffering, illustrates the importance of faith and acting upon Jesus’ words. The story reinforces the belief in Jesus’ divine authority and his power to perform miracles. Jesus’ actions teach that compassion and helping others are more important than strict adherence to religious laws.

This story of Jesus healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda remains a powerful testament to Jesus’ miraculous abilities and his teachings on faith, compassion, and divine authority.


Story of jesus healing a lame man – यीशु द्वारा एक लंगड़े आदमी को ठीक करने की कहानी

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