Bible Stories

Story of jesus chooses 12 apostles – यीशु द्वारा 12 प्रेरितों को चुनने की कहानी

The story of Jesus choosing the 12 Apostles is a significant event in the New Testament of the Bible and is found in all four of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It’s a pivotal moment in the ministry of Jesus, where He selects 12 individuals to become His close followers and play a central role in spreading His teachings.

Early in His ministry, Jesus attracted a group of disciples or followers who believed in His teachings and witnessed His miracles. These disciples included individuals like Peter, Andrew, James, and John, among others.

At a particular point in His ministry, Jesus selected 12 of His disciples to be His closest associates, and they became known as the 12 Apostles. The number 12 is often seen as symbolic, representing the 12 tribes of Israel.

In the Gospels, there are lists of the 12 Apostles, and while there are some variations, they generally include Peter, Andrew, James (the son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew (also known as Nathanael), Matthew (or Levi), Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus (or Lebbaeus), Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot.

The Gospel accounts vary in the details of the calling of the Apostles, but the general pattern is that Jesus called them to follow Him. For example, in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 4:18-22), Jesus called Peter and Andrew while they were fishing by the Sea of Galilee. He called James and John in a similar manner.

The 12 Apostles were chosen to be Jesus’ closest companions and to continue His mission. They accompanied Him throughout His ministry, witnessed His teachings and miracles, and learned directly from Him.

Later in the Gospels, Jesus sends the Apostles out to preach the message of the Kingdom of God, perform healings, and cast out demons. They were to spread His teachings and gather followers.

One of the 12 Apostles, Judas Iscariot, later became infamous for betraying Jesus to the religious authorities, leading to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion.

The choosing of the 12 Apostles is a foundational event in Christianity, as they played a crucial role in the early Christian church and the spread of the gospel. They continued Jesus’ work, and their teachings and writings became foundational to the Christian faith.


Story of jesus chooses 12 apostles – यीशु द्वारा 12 प्रेरितों को चुनने की कहानी

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