Bible Stories

Story of jesus calling matthew to follow him – यीशु द्वारा मैथ्यू को अपने पीछे चलने के लिए बुलाने की कहानी

In the bustling town of Capernaum, Matthew, a tax collector, sat at his booth, counting coins as people passed by. He was used to the angry stares and whispers from the townspeople, who viewed tax collectors as traitors and sinners for working with the Romans. Though he was wealthy, Matthew often felt the weight of isolation, knowing that his profession had distanced him from his own people.

One day, as Matthew was going about his usual routine, he noticed a crowd gathering in the street. Curious, he looked up and saw Jesus, a man he had heard many speak of—some called Him a prophet, others a healer, and some even whispered that He might be the Messiah.

As the crowd parted, Jesus walked directly toward Matthew. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Matthew felt something stir within him—a warmth, a call, an invitation that was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Jesus, with His calm and compassionate gaze, spoke just two words: “Follow me.”

It was a simple command, yet filled with profound meaning. Matthew didn’t hesitate. He stood up, leaving behind his booth, his coins, and his old life. The decision was instantaneous, but it felt right. There was no turning back.

The crowd watched in amazement as Matthew, the despised tax collector, walked away from his lucrative but morally bankrupt profession to follow Jesus. As they journeyed together, Jesus led Matthew to a gathering of His disciples, where they welcomed him with open arms. The other disciples, many of whom had once been fishermen, now shared their own stories of how Jesus had called them, transforming their lives in an instant.

That evening, Matthew hosted a dinner at his house for Jesus and His disciples. Many other tax collectors and sinners joined them, curious to meet the man who had the power to change lives so profoundly. The religious leaders, the Pharisees, looked on in disapproval, questioning why Jesus would associate with such people. But Jesus responded with a statement that would echo through the ages: “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Matthew’s life was never the same. He became one of Jesus’ closest followers, witnessing miracles, hearing His teachings, and learning what it meant to truly serve God. Later, inspired by his journey with Jesus, Matthew would go on to write one of the four Gospels, sharing the story of Jesus’ life and message with the world.

In that moment when Jesus called him to follow, Matthew found not just a new path, but a new purpose. The man who had once been lost in the pursuit of wealth and status was now found, living a life dedicated to spreading the good news of the Kingdom of God.


Story of jesus calling matthew to follow him – यीशु द्वारा मैथ्यू को अपने पीछे चलने के लिए बुलाने की कहानी

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