Bible Stories

Story of jesus and his heavenly father house – यीशु और उसके स्वर्गीय पिता के घर की कहानी

This story is set during Jesus’ childhood and is one of the few accounts of his early years. It’s found in the Gospel of Luke in the New Testament.

Jesus, at the age of twelve, travels with his parents, Mary and Joseph, to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover, an important Jewish festival. This was a traditional pilgrimage that Jewish families made annually.

After the feast, Mary and Joseph start the journey back home, not realizing Jesus had stayed behind in Jerusalem. Jesus is found in the Temple, sitting among teachers, listening to them and asking questions. Everyone who hears him is amazed at his understanding and answers.

After three days of searching, they find him in the Temple. Mary expresses her worry and relief, telling Jesus how they have been anxiously searching for him.
He answers, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” This response gives an early glimpse of Jesus’ awareness of his unique relationship with God.

Despite his deep engagement in theological discussions, Jesus returns to Nazareth with his parents and continues to be obedient to them. The scripture notes that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man during his time in Nazareth.

This episode is significant for several reasons:
– It is one of the rare glimpses into Jesus’ childhood.
– It shows his early understanding of his identity and mission.
– It illustrates the balance he maintained between his divine mission and his earthly responsibilities.

The story of Jesus in the Temple is a pivotal moment that bridges his childhood and his later public ministry. It underscores his devotion to God, his extraordinary wisdom even as a child, and his respect for his earthly parents. It sets the stage for his future teachings and actions as an adult.

This narrative encapsulates the duality of Jesus’ nature as both human and divine, highlighting his early recognition of his mission while also portraying the challenges of his earthly familial relationships.


Story of jesus and his heavenly father house –

यीशु और उसके स्वर्गीय पिता के घर की कहानी

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