Bible Stories

Story of jeremiah thrown into a cistern – यिर्मयाह को एक हौज में फेंके जाने की कहानी

The story of Jeremiah being thrown into a cistern is a dramatic episode from the life of the prophet Jeremiah, as recorded in the Bible’s Book of Jeremiah, particularly in Jeremiah 38:1-13. It illustrates the opposition and persecution that Jeremiah faced for his prophetic message.

Jeremiah was a prophet of God in ancient Judah during a tumultuous period. He delivered messages of warning and judgment to the people of Judah, calling them to repentance and warning of the impending Babylonian invasion due to their disobedience to God’s commands.

Jeremiah’s prophetic message was unpopular among many of Judah’s leaders and priests, who opposed his calls for repentance and accused him of undermining the morale of the people.

In the midst of the political turmoil, certain officials and princes approached King Zedekiah with a plan to silence Jeremiah. They accused him of discouraging the soldiers and people with his messages of impending doom. These officials sought the king’s permission to have Jeremiah thrown into a cistern (a deep, empty well) in the courtyard of the royal palace.

King Zedekiah, who was ambivalent about Jeremiah’s messages, granted the officials’ request, and Jeremiah was arrested and cast into the cistern. The cistern was dark and muddy, and there was no water or sustenance for Jeremiah.

An Ethiopian eunuch named Ebed-Melech, who served in the king’s palace, heard about Jeremiah’s plight and was moved with compassion. Ebed-Melech went to King Zedekiah and pleaded for Jeremiah’s release, arguing that Jeremiah would die of hunger and exposure if left in the cistern. The king granted Ebed-Melech’s request.

Ebed-Melech, with the help of others, lowered ropes into the cistern and lifted Jeremiah out. Jeremiah was rescued from his dire situation, and his life was spared.

After his rescue, Jeremiah continued his prophetic ministry, delivering God’s messages to the people and leaders of Judah. His warnings about the impending Babylonian invasion ultimately proved true.

The story of Jeremiah being thrown into a cistern underscores the challenges and opposition that prophets often faced when delivering unwelcome messages from God. It also highlights the compassion and intercession of individuals like Ebed-Melech, who stood up for righteousness and helped protect the life of the prophet. Jeremiah’s commitment to delivering God’s message, even in the face of persecution, is a testament to his faithfulness and obedience to God’s calling.


Story of jeremiah thrown into a cistern – यिर्मयाह को एक हौज में फेंके जाने की कहानी

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