Bible Stories

Story of jephthah’s vow – यिप्तह की शपथ की कहानी

The story of Jephthah’s vow is also found in the book of Judges in the Old Testament of the Bible. Jephthah was a judge and military leader of Israel who made a tragic and controversial vow to God.

The Context: During this period in Israel’s history, the nation was experiencing cycles of disobedience to God, leading to oppression by neighboring peoples. The Ammonites were the current oppressors of the Israelites.

Jephthah’s Background: Jephthah was a brave and valiant warrior, but he had a troubled past. He was the son of a prostitute and was rejected and driven away by his half-brothers, who were legitimate sons of his father. He fled and became the leader of a group of outlaws.

The Call to Leadership: When the Ammonites threatened the Israelites, the elders of Gilead, a region in Israel, sought Jephthah’s military leadership and asked him to lead the fight against the Ammonites. Jephthah agreed on the condition that if he was victorious, he would become the ruler of Gilead.

The Vow: Before going into battle, Jephthah made a solemn vow to God. He said, “If you give the Ammonites into my hands, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord’s, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.”

Victory in Battle: God granted Jephthah success in battle, and the Ammonites were defeated.

Tragic Consequence of the Vow: As Jephthah returned to his home in triumph, his daughter, his only child, came out of the house to greet him with timbrels and dancing. Upon seeing her, Jephthah was devastated, realizing the consequence of his vow. He tore his clothes in grief and told his daughter about the vow he had made.

Fulfillment of the Vow: Despite his sorrow, Jephthah felt bound by his vow and believed he had to fulfill it. His daughter accepted her fate and requested two months to go into the hills with her friends to mourn her virginity. After the two months, Jephthah carried out his vow, and his daughter was sacrificed as a burnt offering.

It’s important to note that this story raises significant moral and ethical questions. The Bible does not explicitly endorse or condemn Jephthah’s vow and its fulfillment. Some scholars interpret the story as a cautionary tale against making hasty vows to God, while others view it as a tragic portrayal of the consequences of an ill-considered promise.

Regardless of the interpretation, the story of Jephthah’s vow serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of thoughtfulness and careful consideration in our commitments, especially when they involve matters of life and death.


Story of jephthah’s vow – यिप्तह की शपथ की कहानी

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