Bible Stories

Story of jehoshaphat trusting jehovah – यहोशापात की यहोवा पर भरोसा करने की कहानी

Story of Jehoshaphat trusting Jehovah is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in 2 Chronicles 20. 

Jehoshaphat was the king of Judah, a righteous ruler who sought to follow God’s commands. During his reign, a vast army composed of Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites gathered to attack Judah. Jehoshaphat received the distressing news that this formidable coalition was advancing toward Jerusalem.

Faced with this imminent threat, Jehoshaphat sought the Lord’s guidance and proclaimed a fast throughout Judah. The people gathered to seek help from the Lord, and Jehoshaphat himself stood before the assembly in prayer.

Jehoshaphat addressed God, acknowledging His sovereignty and power over all the nations. He recounted God’s past deeds and His promises to protect His people. Jehoshaphat expressed his trust in God’s deliverance and sought His intervention against the invading armies.

In response to Jehoshaphat’s prayer, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel, a Levite from the clan of Asaph. Jahaziel prophesied that the battle belonged to the Lord and assured Jehoshaphat and the people that they would not need to fight in this battle. Instead, they were instructed to position themselves, stand firm, and witness God’s salvation.

Early the next morning, Jehoshaphat led the people out to confront the enemy army. As they sang praises to the Lord, God set ambushes against the attacking forces. The enemy turned on each other in confusion, resulting in a great victory for Judah without them having to lift a sword.

After the battle, Jehoshaphat and his people returned to Jerusalem with great joy. They went to the temple to thank and praise God for His deliverance. The news of God’s mighty act spread throughout the surrounding nations, causing fear and awe of the God of Judah.

Following this miraculous victory, Judah experienced years of peace and prosperity under Jehoshaphat’s reign. The fear of the Lord fell upon the neighboring kingdoms, and Jehoshaphat continued to strengthen his kingdom and maintain his allegiance to God.

The story of Jehoshaphat trusting Jehovah demonstrates the power of prayer, faith, and obedience in times of crisis. By turning to God and seeking His guidance, Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah experienced divine intervention and deliverance from their enemies. It serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness to those who trust in Him wholeheartedly.


Story of jehoshaphat trusting jehovah – यहोशापात की यहोवा पर भरोसा करने की कहानी

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