Bible Stories

Story of jehoiakim burns jeremiah scroll – यहोयाकीम द्वारा यिर्मयाह के स्क्रॉल को जलाने की कहानी

The story of Jehoiakim burning Jeremiah’s scroll is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Jeremiah, primarily in Jeremiah 36. It is a significant episode that illustrates the resistance of a king to the message of a prophet.

During the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah, the Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah received a divine message from God, which he was instructed to write down on a scroll. This message contained warnings and prophecies of judgment against Judah and Jerusalem due to their disobedience and idolatry. The message called on the people to repent and turn back to God.

Jeremiah dictated the message to his scribe and assistant, Baruch, who meticulously wrote down every word on a scroll. The scroll contained the words of judgment and the call for repentance.

Jeremiah and Baruch took the scroll to the Temple in Jerusalem during a time of fasting. They intended to read the scroll to the people, hoping that they would hear the message, repent, and turn back to God.

Word of the reading of the scroll reached the officials of King Jehoiakim. They were concerned about the message’s content and the potential impact it might have on the people.

The officials informed King Jehoiakim about the scroll and its message. The king summoned the scroll to be brought to him. As the scroll was read to him, he showed no signs of repentance or remorse. Instead, Jehoiakim took a scribe’s knife, cut the scroll into pieces, and threw it into the fire in the brazier (a type of open stove or furnace) that was burning in the palace.

The Lord instructed Jeremiah to rewrite the words that had been on the burned scroll, along with additional prophecies of judgment. This act emphasized the irreversibility of God’s judgment upon Judah.

The burning of the scroll by King Jehoiakim symbolized the king’s rejection of God’s message through Jeremiah. It also demonstrated the nation’s hard-heartedness and refusal to repent. The subsequent destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile were seen as a fulfillment of the prophecies of judgment that Jeremiah had delivered.

The story of Jehoiakim burning Jeremiah’s scroll serves as a powerful illustration of human resistance to God’s message and the consequences of rejecting divine guidance. Jeremiah’s role as a prophet was to faithfully deliver God’s word, even when it was unpopular or met with opposition. The story also highlights the importance of repentance and turning back to God in times of spiritual crisis.


Story of jehoiakim burns jeremiah scroll –

यहोयाकीम द्वारा यिर्मयाह के स्क्रॉल को जलाने की कहानी

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