Bible Stories

Story of jacobs dream at bethel – बेथेल में जैकब्स ड्रीम की कहानी

Jacob’s Dream at Bethel is a significant biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 28:10-22. It recounts a visionary experience Jacob had while on a journey to Haran and serves as a pivotal moment in his life.

Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, had recently obtained the paternal blessing intended for Esau through deception. As a result, he was fleeing from his brother Esau’s anger and heading toward Haran, his mother’s homeland, to seek refuge with her brother, Laban.

While on his journey, Jacob reached a place called Luz and decided to spend the night there. He used a stone as a pillow and lay down to sleep.

During the night, Jacob had a profound and symbolic dream. In the dream, he saw a ladder or stairway that extended from the earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it.

At the top of the ladder, Jacob saw the Lord standing and speaking to him. God reaffirmed the covenant made with Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, and his father, Isaac. God promised to be with Jacob, to bless him, to give him and his descendants the land on which he lay, and to make his descendants as numerous as the dust of the earth.

Overwhelmed by the encounter and the significance of the dream, Jacob awoke with a sense of awe and reverence. He realized that God’s presence was in that place, and he called the place Bethel, which means “House of God.” Jacob also consecrated the stone he had used as a pillow as a pillar and anointed it with oil.

Jacob made a vow to God, promising that if God would protect him on his journey, provide for his needs, and bring him back safely to his father’s house, then the Lord would be his God, and he would give a tenth of all he possessed to God.

Jacob continued his journey to Haran, where he would eventually work for Laban and marry Leah and Rachel, becoming the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

The story of Jacob’s Dream at Bethel is significant because it marks a turning point in Jacob’s life. It represents his encounter with the divine, God’s reaffirmation of the covenant with the patriarchs, and Jacob’s acknowledgment of God’s presence and guidance. The vision at Bethel plays a central role in Jacob’s transformation from a deceiver to a man who seeks God’s favor and protection.


Story of jacobs dream at bethel – बेथेल में जैकब्स ड्रीम की कहानी

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