Bible Stories

Story of jacob wrestling with the angel – याकूब की परी के साथ कुश्ती की कहानी

The story of Jacob wrestling with the angel is a significant and mysterious event that occurs in the Book of Genesis in the Bible (Genesis 32:22-32). 

Jacob, having lived with his uncle Laban for many years, is returning to his homeland. He is anxious about meeting his brother Esau, whom he had deceived and from whom he had fled years earlier.

Jacob sends messengers ahead to Esau with gifts and tries to appease him. He also divides his family and possessions into two groups, hoping that if Esau attacks one, the other may escape.

Alone in the camp by the Jabbok River, Jacob encounters a mysterious figure and wrestles with him throughout the night.

During the wrestling match, the angel touches the socket of Jacob’s hip, causing it to be wrenched out of joint. Despite the pain, Jacob continues to wrestle, refusing to let go.

As dawn approaches, the angel tells Jacob to let him go, but Jacob insists on receiving a blessing. The angel asks Jacob for his name, and when Jacob reveals it, the angel blesses him by changing his name to Israel, which means “he struggles with God” or “God prevails.”

Jacob, realizing that he has wrestled with God Himself, asks for the angel’s name, but the angel responds cryptically, saying, “Why do you ask my name?” Then, the angel blesses Jacob.

Jacob names the place Peniel, which means “the face of God,” as he believes he has seen God face to face and yet lived.

Jacob’s encounter with the angel results in a physical injury, but it also brings about a spiritual transformation. His name is changed to Israel, signifying a new identity and a renewed relationship with God.

Jacob, now Israel, limps because of his hip injury. The Israelites later adopted this story as a symbol of their identity and wrestle with God.

The wrestling of Jacob with the angel is a powerful and symbolic narrative that reflects the themes of struggle, perseverance, and the transformative power of encountering the divine. It is a pivotal moment in Jacob’s life and in the broader biblical narrative.


Story of jacob wrestling with the angel – याकूब की परी के साथ कुश्ती की कहानी

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