Bible Stories

Story of jacob goes to haran – याकूब के हारान जाने की कहानी

The story of Jacob going to Haran is a significant episode from the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It is part of the larger narrative of the patriarch Jacob’s life.

Jacob was the younger son of Isaac and Rebekah and the twin brother of Esau. He was known for his cunning and had received the birthright and blessing from his father, Isaac, through a deceptive scheme with his mother’s help. This had caused tension and animosity between Jacob and his brother Esau, who sought to kill him.

Fearing for his life, Jacob was advised by his mother to flee to her brother Laban’s house in Haran, a distant land. Rebekah believed that Laban’s house would be a safe haven for Jacob until Esau’s anger subsided.

Jacob obeyed his mother’s advice and left his home in Beersheba, setting out for Haran. During his journey, he stopped to rest for the night at a place that would later become known as Bethel.

While sleeping at Bethel, Jacob had a remarkable dream. In the dream, he saw a ladder (or stairway) reaching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it. At the top of the ladder, he saw the Lord, who spoke to him and reaffirmed the covenant that God had made with Abraham and Isaac. God promised to be with Jacob, protect him, and give him the land he was sleeping on, which would be a possession for his descendants.

Jacob awoke from the dream and was deeply moved by the encounter. He set up a stone pillar at the place, anointed it with oil, and made a vow, promising to make the Lord his God and give a tenth of all he had to God.

Jacob continued his journey and eventually arrived in Haran, where he encountered shepherds at a well. Among them was Rachel, Laban’s daughter. Jacob was immediately smitten with Rachel and offered to work for Laban in exchange for marrying her.

Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to earn Rachel’s hand in marriage. However, Laban deceived Jacob by giving him Leah, Rachel’s older sister, as his wife on the wedding night. Jacob was then required to work an additional seven years to marry Rachel.

During his time in Haran, Jacob married both Leah and Rachel and had children with them and their maidservants. He also amassed significant wealth in livestock through his clever breeding practices.

The story of Jacob’s journey to Haran is significant in the biblical narrative because it marks a crucial turning point in Jacob’s life and sets the stage for the subsequent events in his family and the fulfillment of God’s promises to the patriarchs. Jacob’s dream at Bethel, in particular, is a pivotal moment where God reaffirms the covenant with Jacob, promising His presence and protection as Jacob embarks on a new chapter in his life.


Story of jacob goes to haran – याकूब के हारान जाने की कहानी

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