Bible Stories

Story of healing of the nobleman son – महान पुत्र के उपचार की कहानी

The healing of the nobleman’s son is a story from the New Testament of the Bible, found in the Gospel of John 4:46-54. This narrative illustrates a miraculous healing performed by Jesus and the impact of faith on the healing process.

In the town of Capernaum, there was a nobleman, often referred to as a royal official or a certain official. This man’s son was gravely ill, near death. Hearing about Jesus and the miracles attributed to him, the nobleman traveled to Cana, where Jesus was staying at the time.

The nobleman approached Jesus and implored him to come to Capernaum to heal his son. He begged Jesus, saying, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”

Jesus responded to the nobleman’s plea by saying, “Go; your son will live.” He did not accompany the nobleman back to Capernaum but assured him that his son would be healed.

The nobleman had faith in Jesus’ words and departed for Capernaum. Along the way, he met his servants who brought him the news that his son had recovered. The timing of the recovery matched the moment when Jesus had spoken the words of healing.

The nobleman inquired about the time of the recovery, and his servants confirmed that it occurred at the seventh hour, which corresponded to the moment when Jesus had told him, “Your son will live.” The nobleman and his entire household believed in Jesus as a result of this miraculous healing.

This story underscores the power of faith and the ability of Jesus to heal at a distance. It also demonstrates the nobleman’s trust in Jesus’ words, which led to the miraculous recovery of his son. The nobleman’s faith, as well as the faith of his household, serves as a central theme in this narrative.


Story of healing of the nobleman son – महान पुत्र के उपचार की कहानी

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