Bible Stories

Story of healing of a man by a pool – तालाब द्वारा एक आदमी के ठीक होने की कहानी

The healing of a man by a pool is a well-known story from the New Testament of the Bible. This story is found in the Gospel of John, specifically in John 5:1-15.

The story takes place near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, by a pool called Bethesda, which means “House of Mercy.” The pool had five colonnades and was believed to have healing properties. People who were sick, disabled, or paralyzed would gather by the pool, hoping for a miraculous cure.

In this setting, there was a man who had been sick for 38 years. He was unable to walk and had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred. According to popular belief, an angel would occasionally descend and stir the waters, and the first person to enter the pool after this happened would be healed.

One day, Jesus came to Jerusalem and saw this man lying by the pool. He noticed that the man had been in his condition for a long time and asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” The man replied that he had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred, and others always got in before him.

In response, Jesus told the man to get up, take his mat, and walk. Immediately, the man was healed. He picked up his mat and began to walk. This was a remarkable miracle because the man had been unable to walk for 38 years.

The healing took place on the Sabbath, a day when Jewish law prohibited carrying burdens or working. The religious authorities saw the man carrying his mat and questioned him about it. He explained that the man who had healed him told him to do so, but he did not know it was Jesus.

Later, Jesus found the man in the temple and told him, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.” The man then realized that it was Jesus who had healed him and reported this to the religious authorities.

This story illustrates the compassion and healing power of Jesus. It also highlights the religious leaders’ legalism and lack of understanding of the compassionate and miraculous nature of Jesus’ ministry. It is one of the many stories in the New Testament that underscores Jesus’ ability to bring healing and restoration to those who were suffering, both physically and spiritually.

Story of healing of a man by a pool – तालाब द्वारा एक आदमी के ठीक होने की कहानी

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