Bible Stories

Story of healing of a demon-possessed man – एक राक्षस-ग्रस्त व्यक्ति के उपचार की कहानी

The healing of a demon-possessed man is a biblical story found in the New Testament in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 8:28-34), Mark (Mark 5:1-20), and Luke (Luke 8:26-39). While there are some variations in the accounts, the central theme remains consistent. 

Jesus and his disciples sailed to the region of the Gerasenes (or Gadarenes), where they encountered a man possessed by demons. The man lived among the tombs, was extremely violent, and could not be subdued even with chains.

In the Gospel of Mark, the man is described as having an unclean spirit named Legion because many demons had entered him. The demons caused the man to live an isolated and tormented life.

When Jesus approached, the demons within the possessed man recognized him as the Son of God and pleaded with Jesus not to torment them. In Matthew’s account, the demons asked to be cast into a nearby herd of pigs.

Jesus, showing his authority over the spiritual realm, commanded the demons to leave the man. The demons, in compliance with Jesus’ command, entered a large herd of pigs.

In Matthew and Mark, the demons entered a herd of pigs, causing them to become agitated and rush down a steep bank into the Sea of Galilee, where they drowned. In Luke, the demons begged not to be sent into the abyss and requested permission to enter the pigs.

Those who witnessed this miraculous event were filled with fear and amazement. They reported what happened to the people in the surrounding area.

The man who had been possessed was found sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. The transformation was so remarkable that the people were afraid.

The people in the region, overwhelmed by fear, asked Jesus to leave their area. They may have been frightened by the display of supernatural power and the economic loss resulting from the drowning of the pigs.

Jesus, respecting the request of the people, prepared to leave. However, he instructed the healed man to stay behind and share the story of God’s mercy with his community.

This story highlights Jesus’ authority over spiritual forces and his compassion for those who are oppressed. It also emphasizes the transformative power of encountering Jesus, as seen in the healed man’s dramatic change from a tormented, demon-possessed state to being restored and in his right mind.


Story of healing of a demon-possessed man – एक राक्षस-ग्रस्त व्यक्ति के उपचार की कहानी

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