Bible Stories

Story of good and bad son – अच्छे और बुरे बेटे की कहानी

Once upon a time in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a widower named Raj. He had two sons: Arjun and Ravi. Arjun, the elder, was known throughout the village for his kindness and diligence. Ravi, the younger, was often seen as irresponsible and carefree.

Raj was growing old and knew his time was near. He decided to test the character of his sons to see who would be fit to inherit his modest estate and continue his legacy. He devised a simple plan: he asked them to complete a task that would reveal their true nature.

Raj told Arjun and Ravi that he had hidden a chest of valuable gold in the forest and that whoever found it would inherit the family estate. However, he also mentioned that the chest was surrounded by obstacles that would test their integrity and strength of character.

Arjun set out early the next morning, equipped with a map and a clear heart. He faced many challenges—thick underbrush, wild animals, and treacherous terrain—but he approached each with patience and perseverance. Throughout his journey, Arjun helped others he met along the way, showing compassion and kindness even in the face of adversity.

Ravi, on the other hand, took a different approach. He was quick to dismiss the task as a waste of time and relied on shortcuts and cunning methods to try and find the chest. His journey was marked by deceit and manipulation. He tried to outsmart others and often chose to avoid difficult situations rather than face them head-on.

As Arjun and Ravi drew closer to the chest, they faced a final obstacle: a large, raging river. The river was too wide to cross easily, and its currents were strong. Arjun, seeing the struggle of travelers trying to cross, built a makeshift raft and helped them to safety, despite his own urgent need to find the chest. His selflessness paid off when the grateful travelers revealed the location of the chest as a token of their appreciation.

Ravi, meanwhile, tried to bribe others to get information and found himself caught in a trap set by those who had seen through his deceit. His impatience and dishonesty led him nowhere but deeper into the forest.

When Arjun finally reached the chest, he found it full of gold, but he also discovered a note from his father. The note praised Arjun for his virtues and declared him the rightful heir to the estate. Raj had been watching from a distance, and he had been testing not just their ability to find the chest, but their character.

Ravi, having failed to find the chest through his dishonesty and lack of integrity, returned home disheartened. Raj welcomed him with open arms but gently reminded him of the lessons he had learned. He explained that the true value of the estate lay not in the gold but in the virtues of honesty, kindness, and perseverance.

Arjun took up the responsibility of managing the estate with grace and wisdom. Under his stewardship, the family estate thrived, and he continued to help those in need, embodying the values his father had cherished. Ravi, though initially resentful, learned from his mistakes and gradually grew into a better person, valuing integrity over shortcuts.

And so, the village remembered Raj not just for his wealth but for his wisdom in teaching his sons the true meaning of being a good person. The story of Arjun and Ravi became a timeless lesson in the importance of character over mere accomplishments.


Story of good and bad son – अच्छे और बुरे बेटे की कहानी

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