Bible Stories

Story of going to egypt – मिस्र जाने की कहानी

The story of “Going to Egypt” is a significant narrative found in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis. It involves the patriarch Abraham and his journey to Egypt during a time of famine. The events unfold in Genesis chapters 12 and 13.

Abraham’s Call: Abraham, also known as Abram, was chosen by God to be the father of a great nation and a blessing to all peoples. God called Abraham to leave his homeland in Ur and go to a land that God would show him. Abraham obediently followed God’s command, taking his wife Sarah (Sarai) and his nephew Lot with him.

Famine in the Land: After settling in the Promised Land, Abraham faced a severe famine. The famine was so severe that there was not enough food to sustain Abraham and his household.

Journey to Egypt: To escape the famine’s devastation, Abraham decided to travel to Egypt, where there was abundant food and resources. As they approached Egypt, Abraham became concerned about his safety because of his wife Sarah’s exceptional beauty.

Sarah’s Deception: Abraham feared that the Egyptians might kill him to take Sarah as their own due to her beauty. Therefore, he devised a plan and asked Sarah to say that she was his sister, not his wife, to protect his life.

Pharaoh’s Interest: As Abraham had feared, when they entered Egypt, Sarah’s beauty caught the attention of Pharaoh, the Egyptian king. Pharaoh, unaware that Sarah was Abraham’s wife, took her into his household.

God’s Intervention: God intervened in the situation and sent plagues upon Pharaoh and his household because of Sarah’s presence. Realizing that Sarah was married to Abraham, Pharaoh confronted Abraham for deceiving him.

Abraham’s Departure: Abraham admitted his deception to Pharaoh and explained that he had done it out of fear for his life. Pharaoh then ordered Abraham, Sarah, and their household to leave Egypt immediately.

Return to the Promised Land: Abraham and his entourage left Egypt and returned to the land of Canaan, where God had promised to establish Abraham’s descendants as a great nation.

The story of “Going to Egypt” reveals the human frailty and faithfulness of Abraham, as well as God’s protective hand over His chosen servant. It also serves as a reminder that God’s promises are trustworthy and that He will guide and provide for those who follow Him faithfully, even in challenging circumstances.


Story of going to egypt – मिस्र जाने की कहानी

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