Bible Stories

Story of gideon’s fleece – गिदोन की ऊन की कहानी

The story of Gideon’s Fleece is a narrative from the Hebrew Bible, specifically found in the Book of Judges, in the Old Testament. It is an account of how Gideon, a judge and military leader of Israel, sought a sign from God to confirm his divine calling and to gather an army to fight against the Midianites.

The story takes place during a period of oppression in Israel when the Midianites, Amalekites, and other neighboring peoples would raid and plunder the land, causing great suffering to the Israelites.

God chose Gideon to be a leader who would deliver Israel from the Midianite oppression. The angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon while he was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites. The angel called Gideon a “mighty man of valor” and informed him of his mission.

Gideon was initially hesitant and sought confirmation from God to be sure of his calling. He proposed a sign involving a fleece of wool. He asked God to make the fleece wet with dew while keeping the ground dry, and God granted his request.

In the morning, Gideon found the fleece soaked with dew, but the ground around it was dry, just as he had asked.

Gideon, perhaps still uncertain, asked for a second sign. This time, he requested that the fleece remain dry while the ground around it would be wet with dew. God granted this request as well.

In the morning, Gideon found the fleece dry, with the ground around it covered in dew, as he had asked.

With these signs, Gideon’s faith was strengthened, and he accepted God’s call with confidence. He gathered an army of men to fight against the Midianites, eventually achieving a significant victory with God’s guidance.

The story of Gideon’s Fleece is often cited as an example of a person seeking divine confirmation or assurance of God’s will. It underscores the idea that God can work through signs and confirmations to strengthen the faith and resolve of individuals chosen for specific tasks. Gideon’s story also highlights the importance of obedience to God’s call, even in the face of uncertainty or doubt.


Story of gideon’s fleece – गिदोन की ऊन की कहानी

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