Bible Stories

Story of first christian martyr – प्रथम ईसाई शहीद की कहानी

The first Christian martyr in the Bible is Stephen, and his story is recorded in the New Testament in the Book of Acts, specifically in Acts 6:8-7:60.

In the early days of the Christian Church, a dispute arose among the Jewish Christian community in Jerusalem concerning the distribution of food to widows. The apostles decided to appoint seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, to oversee this task. Stephen was one of those chosen for this role.

Stephen was not only known for his service in the distribution of food but also for his powerful preaching and miracles. He boldly proclaimed the teachings of Jesus, performing signs and wonders that drew the attention of both believers and opponents of Christianity.

Some members of the local synagogue, known as the Synagogue of the Freedmen, began to dispute with Stephen but were unable to withstand his wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. In response, they falsely accused him of blaspheming against Moses, God, and the temple. Stephen was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council.

In Acts 7, Stephen delivers a lengthy defense speech before the council. He recounts the history of the Jewish people, starting with Abraham, and highlights how God’s promises were often met with resistance and disobedience. Stephen emphasizes that God’s presence cannot be confined to a single place, such as the temple, and that God works beyond human structures.

As Stephen concludes his speech, he confronts the religious leaders with their own disobedience to God’s message. This infuriates the council members, and they respond with anger. Stephen looks up to heaven, sees a vision of Jesus at the right hand of God, and declares this vision to the council. This declaration further enflames their anger, and they cover their ears, rush upon him, and take him outside the city.

Outside the city gates, the crowd stones Stephen to death while he prays for their forgiveness. As he is being stoned, Stephen echoes Jesus’ words on the cross, saying, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7:60). With these words, Stephen dies, becoming the first recorded Christian martyr.

Stephen’s martyrdom had a profound impact on the early Christian community. It marked a turning point in the spread of Christianity, leading to increased persecution but also to the scattering of believers, who spread the message of Jesus to different regions. Stephen’s courageous defense of the faith and his willingness to forgive his persecutors serve as powerful examples of Christian devotion and faithfulness.

Stephen’s story is significant in Christian history as it underscores the cost of discipleship and the strength of faith even in the face of persecution and death. It also highlights the theme of forgiveness and the continuity of Jesus’ message through his followers.


Story of first christian martyr – प्रथम ईसाई शहीद की कहानी

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