Bible Stories

Story of ezekiel’s vision of a chariot – यहेजकेल के रथ के दर्शन की कहानी

The story of Ezekiel’s vision of a chariot is found in the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in Ezekiel 1:4-28. This vision is one of the most complex and enigmatic passages in the Bible, and it is often interpreted symbolically to convey profound spiritual and theological insights.

Ezekiel was a prophet and priest who lived during the Babylonian exile of the Israelites. He was among those who were taken captive to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem. During his time in exile, Ezekiel received a series of powerful and symbolic visions from God, which he was instructed to convey to the people.

Appearance of the Chariot: Ezekiel sees a whirlwind coming from the north, accompanied by a great cloud and fire flashing forth. Within the fire, he sees what appears to be a glowing metal, resembling amber. In the center of this fiery whirlwind, Ezekiel sees what he describes as “living creatures” that look like four different faces.

The Four Faces: Each of the living creatures has four faces: that of a human, a lion, an ox (or calf), and an eagle. These faces are set in each of the four directions.

Wheels and Movement: Beneath the living creatures, Ezekiel sees four wheels with a complex arrangement. The wheels appear to be intertwined, allowing the chariot to move in any direction without turning. These wheels are described as “full of eyes,” symbolizing divine awareness and omniscience.


Crystal Dome and Throne: Above the living creatures, Ezekiel observes a “platform” or “expanse” like crystal, resembling a dome. On this expanse, he sees what appears to be a throne, with the figure of a man seated upon it, radiating a brilliant and overwhelming light.

Divine Glory and Response: Ezekiel is profoundly affected by the vision and falls on his face. The voice of God speaks to him, commissioning him as a prophet to deliver messages to the Israelites.

Ezekiel’s vision of the chariot is highly symbolic and is often seen as a representation of the divine presence and sovereignty. The chariot imagery is a way of conveying God’s majesty, transcendence, and control over all creation. The four living creatures with their faces in different directions are often interpreted as representing different aspects of God’s creation.

The complex symbolism in Ezekiel’s vision has led to a wide range of interpretations, and its primary purpose is to convey the ineffable nature of God’s presence and the divine mysteries beyond human comprehension. The vision serves as a reminder of the grandeur and holiness of the divine realm, and it underscores the prophet’s call to communicate God’s messages to the people of Israel.

Overall, Ezekiel’s vision of the chariot is a powerful and evocative depiction of the divine that invites contemplation and reflection on the nature of God’s glory and the role of the prophet in conveying spiritual truths.


Story of ezekiel’s vision of a chariot – यहेजकेल के रथ के दर्शन की कहानी

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