Bible Stories

Story of esau’s terrible mistake – एसाव की भयानक गलती की कहानी

The story of Esau’s terrible mistake is a significant narrative from the Bible, illustrating themes of impulsiveness and the importance of valuing one’s birthright. This story is found in the Book of Genesis.

Esau and Jacob were twin brothers born to Isaac and Rebekah. Esau, the older twin, was a skilled hunter and his father’s favorite, while Jacob, the younger twin, was more of a homebody and his mother’s favorite.

In ancient times, the birthright was a valuable inheritance that included leadership of the family and a double portion of the inheritance. As the firstborn, Esau was entitled to this birthright.

One day, Esau came home from hunting, exhausted and famished. Jacob was cooking a red stew (lentil stew) at the time. Esau, feeling desperate and on the brink of starvation, asked Jacob for some of the stew.

Jacob saw an opportunity and proposed a trade: Esau could have the stew in exchange for his birthright. Esau, in his hunger and lack of foresight, agreed to the trade without considering the long-term implications. He swore an oath to give up his birthright for a bowl of stew.

Esau’s impulsive decision to trade his birthright for immediate gratification was a grave mistake. The birthright held immense value and significance, but Esau’s disdain for it led him to make a choice he would later regret. The story emphasizes the importance of valuing and preserving one’s blessings and inheritance.

Later, when Isaac was old and blind, he was prepared to bless Esau before his death. However, Jacob, with Rebekah’s help, deceived Isaac into giving him the blessing intended for Esau. This further strained the relationship between the brothers and led to a period of estrangement.

Esau’s mistake in selling his birthright was compounded by the subsequent loss of the blessing, illustrating the consequences of undervaluing one’s rightful inheritance and acting impulsively. The story serves as a lesson in the importance of patience, foresight, and the responsible stewardship of one’s responsibilities and blessings.


Story of esau’s terrible mistake – एसाव की भयानक गलती की कहानी

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