Bible Stories

Story of elisha’s miracle – एलीशा के चमत्कार की कहानी

Elisha, a prominent prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible, is known for performing numerous miracles during his ministry. His miracles were characterized by their diverse nature, addressing various needs and situations.

After inheriting the prophetic mantle from Elijah, Elisha returned to the Jordan River, struck the waters with Elijah’s mantle, and parted the river, similar to the way Elijah had done. This miracle symbolized his spiritual authority and marked the beginning of his prophetic ministry (2 Kings 2:13-14).

In the city of Jericho, Elisha performed a miracle by purifying a spring of water. The city’s water source was causing illness and death, but Elisha cast salt into the spring, miraculously making the water fresh and wholesome (2 Kings 2:19-22).

Elisha was on his way to Bethel when a group of young boys mocked him for being bald. In response, Elisha called a curse upon them, and two bears came out of the nearby woods, injuring or killing some of the boys. This incident serves as a reminder of the seriousness of mocking a prophet of God (2 Kings 2:23-25).

Elisha assisted a destitute widow who was in danger of losing her two sons to debt slavery. He instructed her to collect empty jars and miraculously multiplied a small amount of oil, filling all the jars. The widow was able to sell the oil, pay her debts, and provide for her family (2 Kings 4:1-7).

Elisha visited a kind woman from Shunem who had provided him with hospitality. In gratitude, Elisha prayed for the woman, and God granted her a son. Tragically, the child died at a young age, but Elisha, through fervent prayer, was able to raise the boy back to life (2 Kings 4:8-37).

Naaman, a commander in the Syrian army, had leprosy and sought Elisha’s help. Elisha instructed him to wash in the Jordan River seven times, and Naaman was miraculously healed. Naaman’s faith in God was deepened, and he acknowledged the God of Israel as the one true God (2 Kings 5:1-19).

Elisha helped a group of prophets who were in distress when one of them lost a borrowed axe head in the water. Elisha miraculously caused the axe head to float on the surface of the water, allowing it to be retrieved (2 Kings 6:1-7).

When the king of Aram sought to capture Elisha, the prophet prayed for the Lord to strike the Aramean army with blindness. Elisha then led the blinded army to the city of Samaria, where they were captured and subsequently released unharmed (2 Kings 6:8-23).

These miracles attributed to Elisha demonstrate his role as a powerful prophet and a conduit of God’s divine intervention in the lives of the people of Israel. His ministry was marked by acts of compassion, deliverance, and divine revelation, serving as a testament to God’s presence and power in the lives of those who believed in Him.


Story of elisha’s miracle – एलीशा के चमत्कार की कहानी

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