Bible Stories

Story of elisha crying – एलीशा के रोने की कहानी

The story of Elisha crying is found in the Bible in 2 Kings 8:7-15. It is a touching narrative that showcases the compassion and prophetic insight of the prophet Elisha.

 * Elisha’s Encounter with Hazael: At this point in the biblical account, Elisha was a prominent prophet in Israel during the reign of King Ben-Hadad of Syria. Elisha had been instrumental in performing miracles and advising the kings of Israel.

* Elisha’s Gaze into the Future: One day, Elisha went to the city of Damascus, the capital of Syria. There, he encountered Hazael, one of King Ben-Hadad’s military commanders. Elisha fixed his gaze on Hazael and began to weep.

* Hazael’s Confusion: Surprised by Elisha’s tears, Hazael asked him why he was weeping. Elisha responded that he knew the evil that Hazael would inflict upon the people of Israel. Elisha saw that Hazael would become king of Syria and bring great suffering and destruction upon Israel, including killing many of its inhabitants.

* Hazael’s Dark Intentions: Hazael was taken aback by Elisha’s words but, unfortunately, did not refute the prophecy. Instead, he revealed his true intentions by asking Elisha, “But what is your servant, who is but a dog, that he should do this great thing?” (2 Kings 8:13).

* Hazael’s Actions: Despite his apparent reluctance, Hazael later returned to Syria and assassinated King Ben-Hadad. He then seized the throne, fulfilling Elisha’s prophecy. As king, Hazael indeed brought devastation upon the northern kingdom of Israel, causing significant harm and suffering.

The story of Elisha crying over Hazael’s future actions reflects the profound insight of the prophet into future events. Elisha’s ability to foresee the consequences of Hazael’s actions demonstrates the divine revelation and guidance that he received as a prophet of God. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of heeding the warnings and guidance of prophets and the consequences that may arise from actions driven by ambition and greed.


Story of elisha crying – एलीशा के रोने की कहानी

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