Bible Stories

Story of elisha and the widow oil – एलीशा और विधवा के तेल की कहानी

The story of Elisha and the Widow’s Oil is a well-known narrative from the Old Testament, found in the Second Book of Kings (2 Kings 4:1-7). It illustrates a miracle performed by the prophet Elisha. 

The story begins with a widow who was in dire straits. Her husband, a godly man who had been a follower of the prophet Elisha, had died, leaving her in a precarious financial situation. To make matters worse, her husband had left her in debt, and her creditors were coming to take her two sons as slaves to repay the debt.

Faced with the threat of losing her sons and having no resources left, the widow sought help from the prophet Elisha. She explained her situation to him and asked for his guidance and assistance.

Elisha, after hearing the widow’s plight, asked her what she had in her house. She replied that she had only a small jar of olive oil. Elisha then instructed her to gather as many empty containers as she could from her neighbors.

Elisha told the widow to pour the little oil she had into all the empty containers. Miraculously, as she began pouring, the small jar of oil continued to fill each container until there were no more empty ones left. The oil kept flowing until every container was full.

Elisha then instructed the widow to go and sell the oil to pay off her debts. With the proceeds from the sale of the oil, she could provide for herself and her sons and avoid the impending enslavement.

The widow followed Elisha’s advice, sold the oil, paid off her debts, and had enough left to support her family. She and her sons were saved from the threat of slavery and destitution.

This story is often viewed as an example of God’s compassion and provision, as well as a testament to the faith and obedience of those who seek help and guidance from the Lord. Elisha’s role as a prophet and miracle worker is also highlighted in this narrative, showing how God worked through him to perform a miraculous act of multiplication to rescue the widow and her family from their desperate situation.


Story of elisha and the widow oil – एलीशा और विधवा के तेल की कहानी

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