Bible Stories

Story of ditches of water – पानी की खाई की कहानी

The story of “Ditches of Water” is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 3. It is an account of an event during the reign of King Jehoram of Israel, King Jehoshaphat of Judah, and the King of Edom.

Context: At the time of the story, the kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern kingdom (Judah). The king of Moab rebelled against Israel’s dominance and refused to pay tribute.

Kings’ Alliance: King Jehoram of Israel sought the assistance of King Jehoshaphat of Judah and the King of Edom to put down the rebellion. Together, they formed an alliance to confront the Moabites.

March to Moab: The coalition forces set out on a march through the wilderness of Edom to reach Moab. However, they faced a problem – there was no water for the army or their animals. They found themselves in a difficult situation in the desert.

Seeking Prophet Elisha: Recognizing their dire predicament, King Jehoshaphat suggested seeking the counsel of a prophet of the Lord. Elisha, the prophet, was known for his close relationship with God and his ability to receive divine guidance.

Elisha’s Prophecy: The kings went to Elisha and explained their predicament. In response, Elisha assured them that God would provide water and deliver the Moabites into their hands. He instructed them to dig ditches in the dry riverbed.

Divine Provision: Elisha prophesied that, despite the lack of rain, the ditches would be filled with water, and they would have enough to drink and provide for their animals. Additionally, God would give them victory over the Moabites.

Miracle of Water: As the coalition forces dug the ditches, miraculously, water began to flow into the dry riverbed. The next morning, the water reflected the sunlight, giving the impression of blood to the Moabites who saw it from a distance. This led them to believe that the coalition forces had turned against one another, and the Moabites were subsequently defeated.

Victory over Moab: Encouraged by Elisha’s prophecy and the miraculous provision of water, the coalition forces attacked the Moabites and successfully defeated them. The rebellion was quelled, and the alliance returned to their respective kingdoms in triumph.

The story of “Ditches of Water” illustrates God’s faithfulness to those who seek His guidance and rely on His provision. Through the prophet Elisha, God provided water in a desert landscape, showing His power over nature. The narrative also underscores the importance of seeking God’s counsel and trusting in His promises, even in times of difficulty and uncertainty.


Story of ditches of water – पानी की खाई की कहानी

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