Bible Stories

Story of david makes solomon king – दाऊद द्वारा सुलैमान को राजा बनाने की कहानी

The story of David making Solomon king is a significant event in the Bible and is found in the Old Testament books of 1 Kings and 1 Chronicles. It marks the transition of power from King David to his son Solomon, who would go on to become one of the greatest kings of Israel.

As David grew older and weaker, his eldest surviving son, Adonijah, began to assert his claim to the throne. Adonijah gathered supporters, including some key officials and military commanders, and declared himself king without David’s knowledge or approval.

The prophet Nathan and Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, were concerned about Adonijah’s actions. They feared that Adonijah’s self-proclamation as king could lead to conflict and instability in the kingdom. Nathan approached Bathsheba and proposed a plan to ensure that Solomon would be recognized as the rightful heir to the throne.

Nathan and Bathsheba approached King David and informed him of Adonijah’s actions. They reminded David of his promise to make Solomon king after him. David, who was advanced in age and nearing the end of his life, agreed to fulfill his promise and declared his intention to make Solomon the king of Israel.

Nathan and Zadok the priest, along with other officials, anointed Solomon as king in a public ceremony at the Gihon Spring outside Jerusalem. This anointing was a formal and public declaration of Solomon’s legitimacy as king.

Solomon’s anointing was met with great celebration and joy by the people of Israel. They blew trumpets and shouted, “Long live King Solomon!”

When Adonijah and his supporters heard of Solomon’s anointing and the people’s jubilation, they realized that their plans had failed. Adonijah sought Solomon’s mercy and was spared his life on the condition that he remained loyal and obedient.

As David’s health continued to decline, he called Solomon to his bedside and gave him fatherly advice and instructions on how to rule the kingdom with wisdom and righteousness. David urged Solomon to follow God’s commandments faithfully.

After imparting his final wisdom to Solomon, David passed away and was buried in the City of David. Solomon officially ascended to the throne as King of Israel.

Solomon’s reign as king would go on to be known for its wisdom, prosperity, and significant accomplishments, including the construction of the First Temple in Jerusalem. This transition of power from David to Solomon ensured a relatively smooth succession and the continuation of the Davidic dynasty in Israel.


Story of david makes solomon king –

दाऊद द्वारा सुलैमान को राजा बनाने की कहानी

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