Bible Stories

Story of david and bathsheba – डेविड और बतशेबा की कहानी

The story of David and Bathsheba is a well-known narrative from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) found in the second book of Samuel, specifically in 2 Samuel 11-12. It tells of King David’s adulterous relationship with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and the subsequent consequences.

The story begins with David, the king of Israel, staying back in Jerusalem while his army is at war.
One evening, as he walks on the roof of his palace, he sees Bathsheba, a beautiful woman bathing on her rooftop.
David inquires about her and learns that she is Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David’s loyal soldiers.

Despite knowing that Bathsheba is married, David sends messengers to bring her to the palace.
Bathsheba comes to the palace, and they engage in an adulterous relationship.
Bathsheba becomes pregnant, which causes a problem for David since it would reveal his sin.

To cover up his wrongdoing, David tries to manipulate Uriah by inviting him back from the battlefield and encouraging him to spend time with his wife.
However, Uriah, displaying great loyalty to his fellow soldiers and king, refuses to go home and enjoy the comforts of home while his comrades are still at war.
Frustrated, David devises a more sinister plan. He orders Uriah to be placed in a dangerous part of the battle where he is killed.

The prophet Nathan is sent by God to confront David about his sin. Nathan tells David a parable about a rich man who took a poor man’s only lamb.
David becomes indignant, condemning the rich man in the parable to death.
Nathan then reveals to David that he is the rich man in the story, rebuking him for his adultery and murder.
David repents, acknowledging his sin and its consequences.

Despite David’s repentance, God still punishes him. Bathsheba’s child becomes seriously ill and dies. Bathsheba later gives birth to Solomon, who would become a significant figure in Israel’s history and succeed David as king.

David’s family faces further turmoil, including incest and rebellion among his children.

The story of David and Bathsheba serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of sin, the abuse of power, and the importance of repentance. It also highlights the biblical theme of God’s justice and mercy. While David’s actions were grievous, his sincere repentance and acknowledgment of his wrongdoing are seen as a model of true contrition in the biblical narrative.


Story of david and bathsheba – डेविड और बतशेबा की कहानी

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