Bible Stories

Story of cornelius becomes a christian – कुरनेलियुस के ईसाई बनने की कहानी

The story of Cornelius becoming a Christian is a significant event in the early Christian church and is documented in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Book of Acts, specifically in Acts 10. It is the account of a Gentile (non-Jewish) Roman centurion named Cornelius who, through divine intervention, converts to Christianity. 

Cornelius was a centurion in the Roman army stationed in Caesarea, a coastal city in ancient Judea. He is described as a devout man who feared God, prayed regularly, and gave to the poor. However, he was not a Jew but a Gentile.

Meanwhile, the Apostle Peter was in Joppa, a nearby town, and he had a vision while praying on a rooftop. In this vision, he saw a large sheet coming down from heaven, filled with all kinds of animals, including those considered unclean under Jewish dietary laws. A voice told Peter to kill and eat, but Peter refused because the animals were unclean.

The vision occurred three times, and each time, Peter received the same message: “What God has made clean, do not call common.” Peter was puzzled by the meaning of the vision.

Around the same time, an angel appeared to Cornelius in a vision, instructing him to send men to Joppa to find Simon Peter, who was staying at the house of Simon the tanner by the sea. The angel told Cornelius that Peter would have a message for him.

While Cornelius’ men were en route to Joppa, Peter’s vision was interrupted, and the Holy Spirit revealed to him that the men were looking for him and that he should go with them. Peter welcomed Cornelius’ men and traveled with them to Caesarea.

Upon arrival at Cornelius’ house, Peter learned that Cornelius had gathered his relatives and close friends to hear the message. Peter explained the gospel and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon Cornelius and his household, and they began speaking in tongues and praising God.

Witnessing this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Peter declared that these Gentiles should be baptized, as they had received the same Spirit as the Jewish believers. Cornelius and those with him were baptized, officially becoming part of the Christian community.

This event is significant in the early Christian church because it marked the inclusion of Gentiles into the faith without requiring them to first become Jewish. It demonstrated that Christianity was open to people of all nations and backgrounds. The story of Cornelius is a pivotal moment in the expansion of Christianity beyond its Jewish roots and is a testament to the inclusive nature of the Christian message.


Story of cornelius becomes a christian – कुरनेलियुस के ईसाई बनने की कहानी

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