Bible Stories

Story of burial and resurrection of jesus – यीशु के दफ़न और पुनरुत्थान की कहानी

The burial and resurrection of Jesus is one of the central events in Christian theology and is detailed in the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

After being arrested and subjected to a trial, Jesus was crucified on a hill outside Jerusalem. He was crucified alongside two criminals.

After hours on the cross, Jesus breathed his last and died. A Roman centurion confirmed his death.

A man named Joseph of Arimathea, who was a follower of Jesus but also a member of the Jewish council, went to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, and requested the body of Jesus.

Joseph, along with another disciple named Nicodemus, prepared Jesus’ body for burial. They wrapped it in linen cloths and placed it in a new tomb that Joseph had prepared. This took place on the evening of the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.

The tomb was sealed with a large stone rolled in front of the entrance, and guards were posted to prevent anyone from tampering with it.

On the third day after Jesus’ burial, which is now celebrated as Easter Sunday, several women, including Mary Magdalene, came to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body with spices. However, they found the tomb empty, and the large stone had been rolled away.

Two angels appeared to the women and announced that Jesus had risen from the dead, just as he had foretold.

Over the next 40 days, Jesus appeared to his disciples and many others. He showed them his wounds to prove his identity and taught them further about the Kingdom of God.

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave his disciples the Great Commission, instructing them to go into all the world, preach the Gospel, and make disciples of all nations.

The resurrection of Jesus is a foundational belief in Christianity, signifying victory over sin and death and offering the promise of eternal life. It is celebrated as the most significant event in Christian faith and is commemorated each year on Easter Sunday. The burial and resurrection of Jesus are central to the Christian narrative, representing the core of Christian belief in the redemption and salvation offered through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Story of burial and resurrection of jesus – यीशु के दफ़न और पुनरुत्थान की कहानी

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