Bible Stories

Story of bronze snake on a pole – खम्भे पर कांस्य साँप की कहानी

The story of the bronze snake on a pole is a significant event from the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically found in the Book of Numbers, chapter 21, verses 4-9. It is a story of God’s mercy and healing provided to the Israelites during their wilderness journey.

The events took place during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness after their escape from slavery in Egypt. They were led by Moses and were on their way to the Promised Land. However, the journey was filled with challenges and trials, and the Israelites often grumbled and complained against God and Moses.

While in the wilderness, the Israelites spoke against God and Moses, expressing their discontent with the conditions and the food they were provided. They complained that they were tired of manna (a miraculous bread-like substance) and that there was no water or variety in their diet.

In response to their complaints and ingratitude, God sent poisonous snakes among the people, and many of the Israelites were bitten and died as a result. The snakes were a punishment for their disobedience and lack of faith.

Realizing their sin and the dire situation they were in, the Israelites repented and pleaded with Moses to intercede on their behalf. Moses prayed to God for mercy, and God provided a unique solution for their healing.

God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. He told Moses that anyone who had been bitten by a snake could look at the bronze serpent, and they would be healed and spared from death. It was a simple act of faith and obedience—those who believed God’s promise and looked at the bronze snake on the pole were miraculously healed.

The Israelites who were bitten and afflicted by the snakes had a choice: they could either look at the bronze serpent and be healed or refuse and succumb to the venomous bite. Those who chose to obey God’s instructions and exercise faith in His provision experienced healing and redemption.

This story has spiritual significance in Christianity. Jesus Christ referred to it in the New Testament, comparing the bronze snake to Himself. Just as the Israelites looked to the bronze serpent for physical healing, Jesus explained that people should look to Him in faith for spiritual healing and salvation from sin.

In summary, the story of the bronze snake on a pole highlights God’s mercy and provision for the repentant Israelites. It also serves as a powerful illustration of faith and redemption, foreshadowing the ultimate redemption and salvation offered through Jesus Christ in Christian theology.


Story of bronze snake on a pole – खम्भे पर कांस्य साँप की कहानी

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